Q: What is the purpose of this?
A: Students are using more technology in the classroom. They are submitting papers and collaborating with classmates via GoogleDocs, watching short video clips and responding, using websites for practice and gathering information. The integration of technology is changing and growing every day, so this is a tough question.
The purpose of offering this that parents often ask what I would purchase my child (Ipad, Ipod, laptop, Kindle, etc.) We just wanted to make you aware of what we will be using and offer a way to make it easy for your child to use a personal device at school.
Q: Can my child bring something else like an Ipad, Ipod, or laptop?
A: Yes! The convenience of having a similar device is that teachers can help problem solve and are familiar with the technology that we own. Your child's teacher will not be expected to know how to use your personal device. (In the past I can say that passwords have been the major problem.) Ipods would not be a good choice for grades 7 -12, but may be used in some situations.
Q: What grades will be using Chromebooks (electronic devices)?
A: Grades 4 -6 will mainly be using the Chromebooks in a large group setting. Grades 7 - 12 are using the technology on a more individual basis.
Q: Should I buy a Chromebook for a younger student?
A: I would wait. We will order again closer to Christmas, so you can wait and see how much your child uses the technology in their classroom. Of course, if you don't have a computer at home this would be an inexpensive option. Also, if your child tends to be impatient or uneasy when sharing...you might want to get them their own.
Q: What if don't purchase a Chromebook and we don't have technology that our child can bring to school?
A: They can use that we have available. It is not a big deal. Just like anything in life it is sometimes nice to have our own, but sometimes learning to share is a valuable life skill.
Enough for today. Look back on Monday!! I think you can make comments on this page, so feel free to keep the questions or comments coming!!