Thursday, February 12, 2015

Open House and Space

Open House -
We will have an open house in August before school begins.  This will be similar to Open House in the past.  Students will have the opportunity to bring their supplies, meet their teachers, and tour the building.  We will also have an informational meeting at that time to discuss specifics such as drop-off, lunch, etc.

We are also planning an "orientation" day in March for students entering grades 4 - 6.  Students and parents will have the opportunity to tour the building and ask questions.

Space - We have been renovating various spaces at Garrigan to accommodate for the additional students.  Students in grades 4 - 8 will be housed in the north end of the building.  There are doors that will provide a natural divide between these students and the high school students.  We are moving six classrooms to Garrigan.
1 - The board room will be located in the addition, so Mr. Wieland will move to the current board room.
2- We no longer use a wired lab because we have laptops/Chromebooks, so Mrs. Even will be moving into the computer lab. (Lab has been renovated.)
3 - Mrs. Vaske will be moving to the ICN room.  (Currently being renovated.)
4 - Linda Peterson will be moving to Jeannie Farrell's room.
5 - Colleen Schiltz's room will be used as a classroom.
6 - The Development office will be located in the addition, so the current Development office can be used as a classroom.

We also have some additional spaces:

  • Colleen Schiltz will move to John Byrkeland's office area.
  • John Byrkeland will move to Sister Janet's office.
  • Speech (Diane Capesius) will be located in the Scrip office.  
  • Scrip Office will be located in the new addition.
  • Middle School Special Education (Julie Illg) will be located in an empty room in the science wing.
  • Middle School Music will be located in the previous high school choir room. 
  • High School Choir is now located in a new room at the east end of the hall.

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