Monday, August 4, 2014

Question from JH/High School Parents

Question 1:  How do I ask a question on this site?
Answer:  Just click on the comment/no comments button at the bottom of this post.

Question 2:  Is there a school supply list for freshman?
Answer:  There is not a school supply list for high school students.  We will have a jeans day to collect Kleenex.  Other supplies will be determined by your child.  Some students choose to use folders with paper while others use spirals.

Question 3:  When is open house?
Answer:  Monday, August 18th
Seton - 4:30 - 5:30
Junior High - 5:00 - 5:45
Groundbreaking Ceremony - 6:00 on the west lawn

Question 4:  Can students bring their own device such as a laptop?
Answer:  Yes...stay tuned for more details

Questions answered by Mrs. Peterson


  1. Do we need to do any sort of registering for Junior High, or is that information included in the Seton Parent Packet?

  2. There is not a packet for junior high. You can just stop by the office from 8-4 and pay fees. At that time you can pick up a school supply list and learn the name of your homebase teacher. Open house will be on Monday, August 18 from 5:00 - 5:45. This is an opportunity to drop off your supplies.
